
ARTICLES | 2Agree Advertorial

2Agree Advertorial

September 03 2019 By Procurement Professionals

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 online contract management

full control over all agreements


2A Adv - Pic 2 Schematic.jpg



The concept

A secure solution to manage and monitor all agreements, during the agreement term, in a professional and efficient way. 2Agree is a cloud solution, after settings a few preferences you can start using 2Agree.


The added value!

  • no unplanned automatic contract renewals
  • a complete overview of all agreements
  • enough time to benchmark alternatives
  • reduce risks
  • generating savings and/or prevent cost increases
  • handover of agreements in case of illness or when an employee leaves the company
  • intelligent and effective cooperation between colleagues, departments and/or sites by using multiple user profiles and authorization rights
  • persons controlling agreements remain responsible doing this in 2Agree, but in a more efficient, similar and secured manner
  • professional behaviour towards the contract party
  • low cost
  • high compliancy
  • we can import all your current contracts à 2Agree
2A Adv - Pic 03 Devices.jpg


The technical solution

  • web based
  • access via HTTPs and SSL
  • certified datacentre
  • no installation or IT services needed
  • daily backup
  • latest version always available
  • very fast response time (system performance)
  • access via pc, laptop, tablet and smartphone

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User type Number of users Price per user per month Number of contracts Number of documents
Key-User 2 € 30,00 Unlimited Unlimited
Key-User 3 - 5 € 17,50 Unlimited Unlimited
Key-User 6 - 10 € 12,00 Unlimited Unlimited
Key-User 26 - 50 €   8,75 Unlimited Unlimited
Key-User 101 - 250 €   6,25 Unlimited Unlimited
Key-User 1 €   1,50 Unlimited Unlimited


Inclusive future functionality / releases All prices are excl. VAT.


The features

 2A Adv - Pic 5 Header.jpg




2A Adv - Pic 6 Agreements.jpg

After logging in a full overview of all agreements

Standard view is the deadline view (end date -/- notice period)

Sorting can be easily adjusted, an extensive search function is available



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Automatic end date -/- notice period task for every new agreement

Create tasks, assign them to users and monitor progress

All tasks presented in a clear overview



2A Adv - Pic 08 Dashboard.jpg

Graphical view of all agreements (total and value) - status view

Graphical view of all agreements (total and value) - end date view



 2A Adv - Pic 09 Profiles.jpg

Flexible and future proof setting up authorisation by using profiles

A user can be assigned to 1 or multiple profiles

An agreement can be assigned to 1 or multiple profiles



2A Adv - Pic 10 Import.jpg

All general supplier info can be imported via a standard import routine

From each and every software platform source (SAP, Exact, Microsoft etc.)



2A Adv - Pic 11 Export.jpg

All data can be reported by using the embedded reporting engine

All data can be exported to Microsoft Excel


Dropdown list

2A Adv - Pic 12 Dropdown List.jpg Almost all information can be maintained in data tables which are accessible via dropdown lists when adding or modifying agreements (easier, quicker and less data pollution in the system).
2A Adv - Pic 13 KPIs.jpg

Creating and managing standard KPI's (Key Performance Indicators)

Per agreement managing a target value, period and achieved value

  Approval workflow
2A Adv - Pic 14 Appr Workflow.jpg

Creating and managing an approval workflow per agreement

Report progress, archive approvals

  Additional contract fields and templates
2A Adv - Pic 15 Add co fields templattes.jpg Besides the general contract fields it is also possible to create and use additional data fields (text, date, value, dropdown-list etc.) which are specific for your organization. It is also possible to create templates to organize which contract fields are used/shown.
  Documents / attachments / hyperlinks
2A Adv - Pic 16 Docs Attchmnts Hyperlinks.jpg Per agreement a wide range of document types can be uploaded in to 2Agree or (hyper)linked to your local or cloud storage (e.g. Sharepoint or Google Drive). Out of experience we know that scanned PDF files are used but you can also upload / (hyper)link Word/Excel files for example. 
2A Adv - Pic 17 History.jpg The most important changes are logged by 2Agree and can be reviewed online. The username, date, time and the information which has been changed will be shown.
2A Adv - Pic 18 Help.jpg

A very detailed user manual

Contact the helpdesk via email or phone

Short instruction videos

2A Adv - Pic 19 Lanuage.jpg

English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch and Chinese

User screens, help instructions and email alerts

Every user can use the system in the his/her own language

   Start using 2Agree
2A Adv - Pic 20 Start Using.jpg

It's very easy to start using 2Agree.

As 2Agree is a cloud solution a software installation is not required and using the configuration manual will result in a very fast start-up

  Data migration to 2Agree
2A Adv - Pic 21 Data Migration.jpg 2Agree offers a service to migrate your actual contract information from Excel and/or another data source to 2Agree. This will result in an easy and efficient start using 2Agree.


Agreement overview - presented after logging in

 2A Adv - Pic 22 Agreement Overview.JPG

 Dashboard - a helicopter view of all agreements

 2A Adv - Pic 23 Dashboard View.JPG

Email notification - the way 2Agree informs the users


Dear Madam/Sir,

This is an automatic email-notification from your Contract Management System. You are informed that action is needed or a contract is amended.



Task Annual contract review date
Status   Final
Task sent to,
Start date task 1-Dec-2017
Progress check on 14-Dec-2017
Task ready date 1-Jan-2017
Reminder 14-Jan-2017
Task for chuck.smith



Agreement Long term pallet delivery agreement
Main group  Packaging material
Subgroup Pallets
Entity Warehouse Nijmegen
Agreement manager Chuck Smith
Contract party Puderbach Paletten GmbH
Status Final
Start date 12-Feb-2012
End date 31-March-2018
Notice period 30 days
Deadline (end date -/- notice period) 1-March-2018


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