Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy


Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy

Consulting Service and the Database of Procurement Professionals™

By way of background it is necessary to understand that the two main services offered by Procurement Professionals™ are a consulting service and a service aimed at connecting organisations in need of employing procurement staff, and procurement practitioners seeking suitable employment, known as the Database of Procurement Professionals™.

The consulting service gathers minimal data in respect of users or potential users of the service, as described more fully below under the heading "Data Collection". 

The Database on the other hand, gathers detailed personal information which includes remuneration data and employment history.

This document applies only to the consulting service.  The Database is not currently active and all data previously collected is not stored on, or accessible through, the Procurement Professionals™ website, or in any other manner on-line.  As soon as the Database of Procurement Professionals™ is re-activated, this document will be updated to reflect the terms and conditions of use and privacy policy statement in respect of the Database.

Privacy Policy

We respect the privacy of our visitors and are committed to preserving your online safety by preserving your privacy at any time you visit or communicate with our site. Our Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy offer you a thorough explanation regarding your personal data provided to us or any data we may collect from you. This Privacy Policy is updated from time to time and you should, therefore, review it occasionally.


As explained above, and below under the heading "Data Collection", minimal data is collected and stored from your interaction with this website.  However, should you not be prepared to give consent for the use and/or sharing of data (as described), you are strongly advised to:

  • In the event of your objection being in respect of data being collected during a "view visit" (see below for definition) - please leave the site immediately and do not return to it unless you have decided to accept the terms of use.
  • In the event of your objection being in respect of data being collected as a result of the completion on an on-line form - please use another method of communication (an e-mail to the address provided, or a phone call to the number provided) to convey your request.

Data Collection

Data collected and processed as a result of your visit/s to our website can be of the first type, or of both types described below:

  • Data collected during "viewing" our website includes but is not limited to: location data, weblogs, traffic data, and any other communication information.  With "viewing" is meant a visit to the website where the content on our website is only read and no entry is made in any field provided for this purpose.
  • In addition to the data collected during "viewing" our website, personal data may be collected should you complete any form provided on the website.

 Cookie Usage

There are instances where we may use cookies (or related/similar technology) to gather information regarding our services in a mathematical collection for our website and our advertisers.

Any information collected will not have any identifying data. It is statistical data about our visitors and how they have used our site. No personal details will be collected that could identify you.

We may assemble information about your common internet use with a cookie file. When used, the cookies are downloaded to your computer automatically. The cookie is stored on the hard drive, with transferred information. The data sought by the cookie helps us improve our website and any service offered to you.

Your browser has the ability to decline cookies. This is done by setting your browser options to decline all cookies. Note: if you do decline the download of cookies, some aspects of our site may not work or allow you access.

Our advertisers may download cookies over which we have no control. If used, these cookies are downloaded when you click on an advertisement found on our website.

 Data Use

Data and information collected and stored may be used as follows:

  • To send information to you regarding the website or the products and services we offer, should we judge such information as being relevant, or of interest to you, based on our previous interaction with you.
  • In the rendering of a service to you, or in the provision of a product (or operation thereof) to you.
  • In the processing of any request you make through our site or through associates or assistants, relating to the products or services we offer.
  • To notify you of changes, improvements or additions to, the site.
  • To compile tables of data with the intention of doing statistical analyses - an example would be to monitor aggregate website usage metrics such as total number of visitors and pages accessed.  Where conclusions so reached are used in articles or other forms of communication, none of the information presented will provide identifiable characteristics of users of the site or current or past clients, unless specifically agreed to by those affected.

Data Disclosure

Data and information collected and stored may be disclosed to:

  • Our associates and assistants. Associates will typically be consultants specialising in the procurement- or related function, and assistants will typically be persons hired to assist with an aspect related to the service being provided to you.
  • Third parties under the following circumstances:
    • The selling of our business, or any part thereof, to a third party.
    • Should we legally be required to do so.

Personal Data Storage

We store the personal information of our Customers and Visitors on our servers in South Africa. We use computer safeguards such as firewalls and data encryption, we enforce physical access controls to our buildings and files, and we authorize access to personal information only for those employees who require it to fulfil their job responsibilities.

Information Accessibility

We cannot withhold data we collect about you, from you. If you wish to have access to data collected on you please, please contact us. An administration fee may be charged. The fee covers our costs for processing your request and getting the data to you. Please use the contact details below to formulate your data access request.

Third Party Links

Third party links may be discovered on our site. These third party links have their own privacy policy, which you agree to when you click on the link. We are not responsible nor do we accept responsibility for third party links. Our liability covers us only on our site, and thus we do not accept liability for third party links as we have no control over them.

Contacting Us

Please feel free to contact us with queries, requests, or comments you may have about our Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy. We welcome any communication. Please view our contact page for details.

Procurement Professionals - Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy -  Version 1.00 - 2019/07/02